Why is MOFF for me?


The following features are designed to maximally support your foot while maintaining a minimal design. Here's how we do it 


Our arch support is designed to elevate the medial longitudinal arch, providing the catering for both flat-footed individuals and those with high arches. For those with a lowered arch, our support system effectively prevents excessive pronation, providing stability and balance with every step.

For those with a high arch, our advanced design goes beyond conventional solutions. By increasing the surface area of the foot in contact with the ground, our arch support aids in effective offloading. This not only enhances your comfort but also promotes a more natural and supported gait.



The plantar fascia band, a crucial connective tissue linking the heel to the toes, plays a vital role in maintaining the arch of the foot. As you walk, the plantar fascia band naturally tightens, traditional arch support footwear can often be uncomfortable because of this.  MOFF however, transforms this tension into a gentle accommodation, allowing the band to stretch and relax without any discomfort. As podiatrists, we understands the intricacies of the foot structure, ensuring that every step you take is not just a stride but a soothing experience.



 Our lateral arch support targets the outer side of the foot, ensuring a dynamic boost to your forward momentum. As your foot makes contact with the ground during heel strike, our accomodative design kicks into action, effectively equalising forces around the ankle.

Experience a seamless transition from heel strike to push-off, thanks to the strategic support provided by our Cuboid Lateral Arch Support.



A metatarsal dome, positioned just above the metatarsal heads, naturally conforms to the transverse forefoot arch. This specialised feature is commonly utilised in foot orthotics designed by experts to relieve forefoot injuries and address metatarsalgia (forefoot pain).

The metatarsal dome plays a crucial role in offloading pressure on the forefoot, particularly beneficial for conditions like neuromas. By gently spreading the bones of the forefoot, it alleviates discomfort and evenly distributes pressure across the metatarsals. This not only helps with conditions like plantar plates but also ensures a more balanced and comfortable walking experience.


When the foot makes initial contact with the ground, fatigue can cause rapid pronation, disrupting the entire gait cycle. By averting this initial pronatory force, we can significantly alleviate stress on the ankle joints. A prevalent issue, particularly in women with flat feet, is posterior tibial tendon dysfunction.

Excessive force on the muscle responsible for supporting the foot's arch can lead to dysfunction, manifesting as a flat foot and lateral ankle impingements. Preventing this excessive force is key to mitigating symptoms and enhancing overall foot function. 



An 8mm heel-to-toe drop is considered moderate, providing effective propulsion while minimizing strain on the posterior chain. This design prevents overstretching, offering relief from foot pain and promoting a more comfortable and supportive walking experience. Choose footwear with this moderate heel-to-toe drop for a balanced and pain-free stride. Your feet will thank you for the enhanced support and comfort!